I want to be a Transformer

Posted by Ps. Jenny | | Posted On Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 10:22 PM

Hi everybody!

Melanie should be the one to post this since she shared this topic at the Ignyte today.

Just share my thoughts here. Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to this world. The Phillips translation has it as " do not allow the world to squeeze you into its mould." We live in this world and it is so easy for us to be conform to the patterns of this world especially in our thinking. That is why Paul goes on to say that "we need to be transformed by the renewal of our minds."

Our thoughts are so important, for "as the man thinketh, so he is." Our thoughts can affect our emotions, our will and our actions. So we need to think God's thoughts, for the Bible says, we have the mind of Christ. Renew your minds by reading the Word, memorizing the Word and meditating on the Word.

In order to be transformers, we ourselves must first be transformed. Transformation is not an outward change, like people who do cosmetic surgery or do an extreme makeover. But it is an inward change. Not just change in our behaviour, but change in our thinking which will bring about a change in our behaviour and every other aspects of our lives. There will be living streams of living water overflowing out of our lives into the lives of others and into the environment that we are in.

So Ignytes be change agents, not copy cats. You are the light of the world, the salt of this earth!


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