Posted by Ps. Jenny | | Posted On Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 5:06 PM
Matthew 6:9
Matthew 6:9: Jesus said to them, "In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name."
Jesus wanted his disciples to pray from hearts of love to a Father who loved them.
1. What past experiences have helped or hindered you in viewing God as a loving Father?
2. What are some challenges you are currently facing in your prayer life?
3. What are some practical ways you can overcome these challenges?
4. Take some time out of your busy schedule and spend a half an hour with God in prayer. write a letter to God, expressing whatever is on your heart.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
Please Untie The Nots.....
Dear God :
Please untie the nots that are invading my mind, my heart and my life.
Please remove the have nots, the can nots and the do nots that invade my mind.
Please erase the will nots, may nots and the might nots that invade my heart.
Please release me from the could nots, would nots and should nots that invade my life.
Most of all, dear God, I ask that You remove from my mind, my heart and my life all of the am nots that have allowed me to hold back.
Please erase from my mind the thought that I am not good enough.
Please remove from my heart that I am not loved enough.
Please untie from my life everything that I clutch that supports the belief that I am not enough.
Today, dear God, I come to You humbly and reverently asking that You untie, eliminate and erase all of the nots that have invaded every aspect of my life.
For Your mercy and Your grace, I am so grateful.
Let these words take on the presence of the Holy Spirit to become living conditions in my life.
And so it is!