
Posted by Ps. Jenny | | Posted On Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 10:07 AM


Luke 6


Jesus said, "If someone grabs your shirt, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it . . . Love your enemies. You'll never - I promise - regret it." Luke 6: 29, 35 THE MESSAGE

Nothing in Jesus' teachings seems more outrageous than his ideas about forgiveness and loving enemies.

1. What does the phrase "turning the other cheek" mean to you, in a practical sense? Is it possible to take this concept too far?

2. How do you react to Jesus' instruction to "love your enemies"? With anger? With dread? With fear for what it will cost you? What would it take for you to respond with joy?

3. Think of someone who has hurt you, or whom you consider an "enemy." What can you do to begin to treat that person with love?

4. Think of someone who has recently taken advantage of you. How does Jesus want you to respond to their behaviour?

5. What are three practical ways in which you will "love your enemy" this week?


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