Security in the storm
Posted by Ps. Jenny | | Posted On Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 9:22 AM
But the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it (Matthew 14:24). Jesus Christ is not our security against never having a storm in our lives. He is our perfect security in the storms! He has never promised us an easy passage, but He has promised a safe landing. Sail on. We can trust our Captain to guide us safely in!
~* The Storms Of Life *~
When we feel we have nothing left to give and we are sure that the song has ended.....
When our day seems over and the shadows fall, and the darkness of the night has descended.....
Where can we go to find the strength to valiantly keep on trying? Where can we find the hand that will dry the tears that the heart is crying?
And together we stand at life's crossroads and view what we think is the end.....
But God has a much bigger vision, and He tells us it's only a bend;
For the road goes on and is smoother, and the pause in the song is a rest. And the part that's unsung and unfinished is the sweetest and richest and best.
So rest and relax, and grow stronger - let go, sail on.....
God has promised to guide us through the storms of life.